A Live Cricket Score Alerts project will fetch real-time cricket scores from an API and send alerts using Python. Here’s how you can build it:
Project Overview:
- Fetch live cricket scores from a sports API.
- Display scores in terminal or GUI (Tkinter).
- Send real-time alerts via notifications or email/SMS.
Tools & Libraries:
- requests → Fetch live data from an API.
- plyer → Send desktop notifications.
- schedule → Automate periodic updates.
- Tkinter (Optional) → Build a GUI.
Step 1: Install Dependencies
pip install requests plyer schedule
Step 2: Get a Live Cricket Score API
- Sign up for CricAPI (https://www.cricapi.com/) or Sportmonks API.
- Get your API Key.
Step 3: Fetch Live Cricket Scores
import requests
API_KEY = “your_api_key”
MATCH_ID = “your_match_id” # You need to fetch match ID dynamically
def get_live_score():
url = f”https://api.cricapi.com/v1/matches?apikey={API_KEY}”
response = requests.get(url).json()
for match in response[“data”]:
if match[“id”] == MATCH_ID:
return f”{match[‘teams’][0]} vs {match[‘teams’][1]}: {match[‘score’]}”
Step 4: Send Live Score Notifications
from plyer import notification
def send_notification():
score = get_live_score()
title=”Live Cricket Score”,
Step 5: Automate Score Updates
import schedule
import time
while True:
Bonus: Build a GUI App (Optional)
Use Tkinter to display scores in a small window.
Future Enhancements:
✅ SMS/Email Alerts (Twilio API).
✅ Live Commentary (Sports APIs).
✅ Voice Alerts (Text-to-Speech).
Where I have to insert this code?
You can insert the code in a Python script and run it on your system. Here’s how you should structure your files:
1. Create a Python Script
- Open a code editor (VS Code, PyCharm, or Notepad++).
- Create a new file named cricket_score_alert.py.
- Copy and paste the code inside it.
2. Run the Script
- Open a terminal or command prompt.
- Navigate to the folder where your script is saved.
- Run the script using:
- python cricket_score_alert.py
3. Automate Alerts (Optional)
- You can schedule it to run every 5 minutes using schedule.
- If using Windows, you can add it to the Task Scheduler to run in the background.